On first glance it seems to be complete gobbledy gook........and my opinion hasn't changed much since then!
Following the Apple tutorial for the 'HelloWorld' app, I bravely started to do some programming. The first bit was probably the most complex......it was discussing things like myViewController.m and myViewController.h - both of which I'm still none the wiser. I followed the code to program how the app should launch itself. So far so good.
The next part was probably the most enjoyable. Apple include lots of official drag and drop elements of apps that we've all played with. Things like nice looking text boxes, buttons and pop up keyboards. I drew the different elements on the screen as the tutorial said and it was all good!!
When I came to 'build and go' on the app however, even though it had been drawn properly (and programmed accurately - or so I thought!) it came back with errors and wouldn't boot up. I tried three times rebuilding the project - but still the same thing happened. Errors upon errors.
I looked at the final page of the tutorial to get the complete coding for the app - and copied and pasted it into the app builder. I then drew the necessary parts on the view screen and then 'build and go'd! Finally, it worked! I can type my name into the text box, press the 'HELLO' button and then the screen says 'Hello Chris'.
A lot of effort for not an awful lot of reward - but getting to grips with the SDK has started. Now only if I can understand now what the whole myViewController.m etc actually mean.
I might need lots of sample coding to help me achieve my final outcome!
Time to scour more tutorials me feels.
Adios amigos
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